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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Class Structure and Organisation

Chelford CE Primary School is a small, yet growing community. Children from recent housing developments within the village have contributed to an increase in pupil numbers over recent years. In 2018, an additional classroom was constructed, creating a three-class learning environment. 

The organisation of classes are seen below:

Class 1: Reception and Year 1

Class 2: Year 2 and Year 3

Class 3: Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. 

Mixed-age classes

Our children are taught in mixed-age classes and benefit tremendously from this approach; older children become role models and leaders, learning how to lead by example and assist their peers. For younger children, the opportunity to engage, play and learn alongside older pupils enables them to develop friendships and relationships beyond their age group; they aspire to be like their older peers which serves as a motivation in and beyond the classroom setting. As a consequence, pupils are Chelford CE Primary School learn to play across different ages and classes which adds to the 'family feeling' across the whole school community. 

Another key benefit is the close relationships that pupils forge with staff, particularly the teachers who may teach them for multiple years. This enables children to develop trust and ensures that teachers have an informed view of the child's learning preferences, adapting to their needs in order to make learning fun, engaging and accessible. 

In order to manage mixed-aged cases across the school, the Chelford Curriculum has been specifically designed and tailored to ensure that all children's needs are met, regardless of their age. This is achieved in most subjects through the use of a two-year rolling programme as identified in our curriculum plans. For some subjects in Class 3, a three-year rolling programme is introduced whereas for curriculum subjects such as computing, mathematics and science, age-specific content is taught discretely to ensure that children are accessing appropriate content pitched at the right level to enable them to succeed. 

We are incredibly proud of the curriculum that we have developed at Chelford. Explore our Learning section of the website to learn more about our curriculum intent and the rationale behind our curriculum design.