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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Parents play a key role in their child's educational journey at Chelford CE Primary School and staff recognise the benefits of a supportive and collaborative home-school partnership. 

In embracing the role of parents, the following arrangements are in place to enable parents and carers to feel part of our school family:

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Our PTA is a group of dedicated, creative and hardworking parents and teachers, who arrange events for both pupils and families that help raise much-needed funds to support the school. More information on their work can be found here.  

Worship, Assemblies and Performances

Our pupils love nothing more than to share their many talents with the school community and it is a joy to welcome parents and wider family members into school to share and celebrate pupils' learning through our services, worships, assemblies and other performances - such as production shows, our nativity and end of term concerts. 

Parent Consultation Meetings

Each term, parents are invited to attend a meeting with their child's class teacher to receive an update on how they are progressing academically and personally. 

In the summer term, this meeting follows the publication of pupils' annual school reports. 

Information Sessions for Parents

To assist in developing parents' knowledge of our curriculum goals and rationale for teaching approaches, regular information sessions are held and led by staff. We invite parents to learn about our work and to provide the opportunity for questions and discussion. 

Over recent years, sessions have included:

  • Overview of Little Candle Letters and Sounds Phonics programme
  • Accelerated Reader information
  • Pre-visit meetings ahead of residential trips: Robinwood, Conway Centre and Petty Pool
  • Approach to collaborative learning