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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Vision and Values

Learning to Love Together; Loving to Learn Together

Our School Vision

Chelford CE Primary School is a loving, nurturing family. 'Learning to Love Together' inspires our staff and pupils to practise the teachings of Jesus by sharing kindness, compassion and respect for each other and our environment. 'Loving to Learn Together' empowers all stakeholders to discover, embrace and share their talents so that they become confident in who they are, what they can achieve and who they are destined to be.


When seeds fell on enriching soil, the crops grew to produce a big harvest.

adapted from the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark and Luke


Our School Values

Each term, pupils are nominated to receive a special Values Award in recognition for how they have embodied the values that we aim to inspire in all our children. 


Our aim is to equip pupils to discover and nurture their talents and passions in order for them to lead happy and fulfilled lives. As part of this, staff regularly discuss the value of high aspirations - setting goals and working hard to achieve them. To help raise pupils' own aspirations of what future opportunities or possibilities may lie ahead, a bi-ennial Aspirations Week is held in the summer term. During this celebration, pupils are given the opportunity to learn from representatives from a range of different industries, as well as visiting different workplaces to inspire their curiosity and understanding of careers and employment. 

More information on Aspirations Week 2023 can be found in the curriculum area of the website. 

Hall of Fame: Recipients of the Aspiration Award


Aspiration Hall of Fame (ID 1169)



Pupils learn the value of forgiveness which enhances their relationships and friendships across the school. This includes recognising where mistakes have been made and to learn lessons for the future. By promoting forgiveness and tolerance, children learn not to hold grudges and to seek mutually-acceptable resolutions when disputes occur. This helps to foster positive relationships and friendships across the whole school community. 

Hall of Fame: Recipients of the Forgiveness Award


Forgiveness Hall of Fame (ID 1174)



Chelford CE Primary School is an inclusive place of learning that aims to ensure that all pupils enjoy a loving, nurturing and inspiring primary school experience. In celebrating children's individuality, staff ensure that necessary adjustments allow all pupils to flourish. In addition, the Chelford Curriculum ensures that all pupils gain an understanding of different faiths, cultures and traditions, promoting the values of tolerance and understanding. Our curriculum also ensures that children gain an understanding of the dangers of prejudice and discrimination so that they are equipped to challenge stereotypes and make positive decisions in the future. 

Hall of Fame: Recipients of the Inclusion Award

Inclusion Hall of Fame (ID 1172)



Children learn the value of kindness and its impact on our daily interactions, which are explored further through curriculum delivery, collective worship and assemblies. The school is committed to supporting vulnerable groups within and beyond our school community. Regular initiatives include collecting and donating food and provisions for the Silklife Foodbank (Macclesfield), and fundraising initiatives which raise money for charities such as Children in Need, Space 4 Autism and the Tuberous Sclerosis Association, as well as our Chelford CE Primary School PTA. Additionally, on a bi-ennial basis, a Charity Week is held, where, inspired by the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14), children use their interests and skills to invest £1.00 to raise money to support the school's charitable endeavours. 

Hall of Fame: Recipients of the Kindness Award

Kindness - Hall of Fame (ID 1170)



Children are taught to show respect to others in and beyond our school community, learning to celebrate diversity and to embrace the differences we possess that make us unique individuals. Pupils embrace their own talents and interests, both within and beyond the taught curriculum, which enables them to build their own esteem and sense of worth. As such, children learn to respect themselves as well as others. Pupils also learn to respect the natural world and recognise the fragility of the environment, discovering ways in which their daily actions can help to protect our natural world. They also learn to respect the opportunities and resources that they are provided, including looking after the fabric of the school building and grounds. 

Hall of Fame: Recipients of the Respect Award

Respect Hall of Fame (ID 1173)



Pupils at Chelford CE Primary School learn the value of developing resilience in order to fulfil their ambitions - both personally and academically. Collective worship sessions explore Bible and contemporary stories of how others have triumphed in the face of adversity and pupils are inspired by learning of the achievements of significant individuals in helping to make a positive difference to our world. 

Hall of Fame: Recipients of the Resilience Award

Resilience Hall of Fame (ID 1171)