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Chelford C of E Primary School

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What is a SIAMS inspection?

SIAMS is the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools. This is also known as a Section 48 inspection. All church schools will undergo this inspection which is scheduled every five years. 

Chelford C of E Primary School achieved 'outstanding' when last inspected in April 2017. Inspectors made the following observations:

  • 'The school places the valuing of its children at the heart of its mission and this supports good progress and achievement.'
  • 'In response, pupils show respect and consideration for others, which results in outstanding relationships throughout the school.'
  • 'Pastoral care is outstanding so pupils show a real happiness and enthusiasm for school life.'
  • 'Driven by well- practised values of love, compassion and forgiveness pupils ’behaviour is also of the highest standard.'

Click the file download below to access the full Siams report:

siams report chelford church of england primary school 11254 11022025.pdf