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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Chelford CE Primary School is thrilled to share its latest Ofsted report. 

Among the many highlights featured in the report, inspectors recognised the lengths to which staff go to to prioritise pupils' happiness noting that, 'Pupils embody the school’s belief that ‘happy children learn best’. This commitment to pupils' personal development was further evident in discussions between inspectors and pupils; 'Pupils said that they are free to be themselves and to discover their unique skills and talents', contributing towards the award of Outstanding for Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes. 

In recognising the progress that the school has made since the previous inspection, the inspectors confirmed that previous areas for development have been delivered and praised the expertise of staff in the delivery of an effective phonics programme. Similarly, inspectors found that the school has made significant improvements to its curriculum offer, noting its ambition and cohesion as particular strengths.

Speaking following the publication of the report, Headteacher, Mr A Brady commented, "We are delighted with the findings of the report; inspectors praised the expertise and dedication of our wonderful staff, and the inspiring curriculum that we have developed over recent years. We are especially proud to read of the pupils' opinions on why Chelford CE Primary School is such a special place to learn and grow. As always, we are immensely proud of all our children."

The inspection was carried out on 18th and 19th October 2023, under section 5 of the Education Act 2005. 

Read the report below:

ofsted final report.pdf