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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Fun in the snow!

It has been a testing first week back for our staff and families, dealing with the snow and the challenges of the icy weather. Mr Brady and governors would like to express their appreciation of the endeavours of staff who have once again gone ‘above and beyond’ to keep school open for our pupils - including covering staff absence, clearing snow and gritting paths, helping out with lunchtime duties and ensuring that school remains a safe and happy environment for pupils. A very special mention to Mr Moore who has worked tirelessly to keep the pathways and carpark safe this week. Thankfully, the temperatures are forecast to rise next week which will hopefully enable us to return to our usual routines. 

Many thanks to all our families, who have made an phenomenal effort to get children in to school this week and for their understanding with regards to the postponement of our usual extra-curricular activities. 

Clearly the disruption was worth it for our pupils though who had a great time making snow sculptures on the field on Tuesday!