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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Diwali Week

Classes 2 and 3 were extremely lucky to receive a visit from Mrs Vaja (Gautam and Rohini’s mother) on Wednesday as part of our Diwali week. During the session, the children learned about why Diwali is celebrated, the importance of Diwali and the types of things different families do to celebrate. 

Children also had the opportunity to try on some traditional Indian clothing and to decorate a biscuit using Rangoli patterns. Equally creative patterns and designs were produced using tissue papers - proudly displayed by Sienna (right). 

In addition, Class 1 children have enjoyed making their own divya lamp, moulding their designs using salt dough before decorating with paint - we think that they look great!

The children learnt so much from the session and we are so grateful to Mrs Vaja for sharing her knowledge about this wonderful festival.