Meet our Governors
Chelford CE Primary School benefits from a committed and supportive Governing Board. See below to learn a little more about our team of dedicated Governors.
Full Governing Board (ID 1181)
David WilsonChair of Governors
David Wilson
David is a Chelford resident and parish councillor. He has been a governor at Chelford since 2020 and Chair of Governors since 2022. David has wide ranging experience in education which includes roles as a secondary headteacher, Ofsted inspector and senior examiner for a major exam board. He has also been a school governor in primary and secondary schools for over 20 years.
David believes in the importance of schools reaching out to their local community and building strong partnerships which can benefit pupil learning and provide opportunities for sharing resources.
David recognises that governance brings with it significant responsibilities, but also the privilege of playing a part in shaping the development of children at Chelford School. To be part of a happy, caring and successful school with excellent leadership, able and committed staff and wonderful pupils, are what makes being a Chelford governor simply worthwhile.
David takes a keen interest in many sports; occasionally revisits his guitar and spends many frustrating hours teaching himself to play the piano. As someone once remarked, he plays all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order!
Jane NicholsVice Chair of Governors
Jane Nichols
Andy BradyHeadteacher
Andy Brady
As Headteacher, Andy sits on all subcommittees and is accountable to the Governing Board for driving school improvement and leading the dedicated staff at Chelford CE Primary School.
Having taught at two previous schools in Cheshire since graduating from Chester College University in 2003, Andy's experience as both a classroom practitioner and school leader helps to deliver the school's ambitious vision.
Outside of school, he enjoys spending time with his family and is a Manchester City season-ticket holder. Andy also enjoys listening to podcasts and audiobooks and playing the guitar.
Kath GildonCo-opted Governor
Kath Gildon
Kath has been a governor at Chelford for over 16 years, serving as Chair for 10 years. She is a member of all the GB committees and three strategic working groups. She is also Lead Governor for Safeguarding, Pupil Premium and Looked After Children and Link Governor for Maths and Art/Design.
Kath’s professional background is in pharmaceutical research including many years’ experience working with international clinicians as a global publications manager.
Kath relishes being part of a cohesive team with diverse life experiences / skills and where everyone’s voice is heard. As a school volunteer she believes in the value of the GB’s work to ensure that the school is sustainable and provides a learning environment where pupils and staff are free to thrive.
Kath enjoys following rugby and cricket; long walks in the hills with her husband, dog and friends; modern art and a wide spectrum of music.
Diana RileyFoundation Governor
Diana Riley
Rev. Fiona RobinsonEx-officio Governor
Rev. Fiona Robinson
Heather HughesCo-opted Governor
Heather Hughes
Paul DownerCo-opted Governor
Paul Downer
Paul joined the Governing Board in November 2023, having expressed a desire to further support the school and its community.Professionally, Paul is the Head of Commercial for a large travel company. He has had many years' experience in building forecasts, managing budgets and delivering projects in often difficult circumstances!Paul also lends his DIY skills to enhance pupils' experiences at school, having constructed a wonderful nature kitchen which pupils enjoy exploring in our EYFS outdoor area.Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three children. He loves travelling, climbing mountains and cooking. -
Sue SwainParent Governor
Sue Swain
Sue was appointed Parent Governor in 2017 and is Chair of the Premises, Health and Safety Committee and also Chair of the Strategy Steering Group.
In her professional life Sue is Head of a European Environmental and Sustainability business and is passionate about supporting organisations with their sustainability challenges.
Outside of work, Sue enjoys spending time with her children and their pets, going to music concerts and nice restaurants with friends, and also trying to keep fit.
Laura McAleenanParent Governor
Laura McAleenan
Laura McAleenan has been a Parent Governor since January 2022. She has two daughters in the school and contributes to the Teaching and Learning and SIAMS Committees. Laura loves being a Governor as a way of feeling part of the Chelford family making an active contribution to the school community.Laura also teaches Modern Foreign Languages at St Nicholas Catholic High School in Northwich.In her free time, Laura enjoys spending time with her husband and 3 children. She also enjoys reading and going to see musical theatre and films. -
Johanna HulmeParent Governor
Johanna Hulme
Sarah JonesParent Governor
Sarah Jones
Sarah joined the Governing Board in 2022, taking on the role of parent governor. Currently, Sarah has a daughter in Year 5 and is also looking forward to her son joining Reception in September.
Sarah has a passion for ensuring that children have the very best start in life and has a particular interest in ensuring that children from disadvantaged backgrounds are given the support required to enable them to continue to flourish at Chelford CE Primary School.
Outside of her governor role, Sarah enjoys spending time with her three children.
Liz RobertsStaff Governor
Liz Roberts
Liz joined the Governing Board following her appointment as Class 3 Teacher in September 2023. An outstanding classroom practitioner, Liz brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Governing Board and has undertaken the role in her previous schools. Liz's role is to be the link between staff and the Governing Board and to assist in the delivery of the school's strategic priorities.
Liz is particularly passionate about maths but also thoroughly enjoys teaching English and history.
Outside of school, she enjoys spending time with her family, long dog walks, playing netball and reading.