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Chelford C of E Primary School

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At Chelford CE Primary School we are passionate about giving our pupils a voice and helping them to develop the skills and knowledge that enable them to express their ideas and thoughts in written form. As a consequence, pupils at Chelford develop a great understanding of the many different forms of writing and enjoy applying their skills across a range of exciting challenges and projects.

The tasks that have been designed for pupils to complete across the curriculum have been carefully considered to ensure that children have the opportunity to showcase the breadth and range of talents they possesses and that writing opportunities are used to extend knowledge of other curriculum areas. For example, where children are developing their non-fiction writing skills - such as explanation and report writing - the stimulus for the task is often related to the topic being undertaken at that time.

Writing is also inspired by class texts. This ensures that children are given the opportunity to explore the skills and techniques that established authors use and enables them to work with characters and scenarios with which they are already familiar.

The documents below identify in more detail our approach to developing pupils’ writing skills at Chelford CE Primary School and how our mixed-aged curriculum has been developed to ensure that pupils acquire a range of skills in a structured and progressive manner.

Mrs Heather Thwaites leads the development of writing across the school as part of her English subject leader responsibilities.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

writing 3is.pdf

Writing Planning and Progression of Skills

writing long term planning.pdf