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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Physical Education (PE)

At Chelford CE Primary School we aim to instil a love of sports and physical activity in our pupils, so that they learn to recognise the benefits of regular exercise in helping to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Through sports, pupils can learn many essential life skills such as teamwork, cooperation, leadership and resilience which we hope will remain with them way beyond their time at Chelford CE Primary School. 

Our curriuclum offer for PE has been designed so that children of all ages are able to develop a range of skills across different sporting disciplines in a progressive manner. In delivering this, pupils enjoy two weekly PE sessions - each Monday and Friday. These sessions are delivered by coaches from Sports Coaching Group, who work alongside our staff to ensure that children enjoy exciting, ambitoius and inclusive lessons. 

Alongside these weekly sessions, each autumn, children in Years 4, 5 and 6 undertake a 12-week swimming course, aimed at promoting water safety and providing opportunities for children to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum identified online.  

As a member of the Holmes Chapel Partnership of schools, our pupils enjoy competing in a range of different sporting festivals, competitions and fixtures. In addition, we are also delighted to engage with other sports agencies, such as Chance to Shine, who provide additional cricket coaching and offer opportunities for pupils to compete against other local primary schools. 

As pupils move into Class 2 and subsequently Class 3, they are also given the opportunity to explore a number of different sports-based activities as part of an outdoor pursuits residential visit. Such activities include canoeing, climbing and bouldering, archery and caving amongst others. 

Pupils and families also enjoy coming together as one whole school community for our annual sports day, which takes place in the summer term. Here, pupils of all ages are given the opportunity to compete individually and collectively, embracing their sporting talents representing their house teams. Our current sports day champions are Attenborough. Parents are also keen particpants - working together as part of the ski-race - much to the amusement of our pupils! Images from our sports days can be found in our website gallery

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

pe 3is document.pdf


Overview of PE Units


long term curriculum map pe units.pdf