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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Mathematics is one of the core National Curriuculum subjects and is taught on a daily basis in all classes. Pupils at Chelford CE Primary School express a deep love for maths; they enjoy their lessons and develop extremely positive attitudes towards the subject that stay with them throughout their time at school.

As part of our commitment to providing an inspiring mathematics curriculum, we follow a mastery approach as identified in the White Rose schemes of learning. This enables children to develop fluency in their application of knowledge and skills which is further strengthened through extensive use of word, problem-solving and open-ended investigation activities. 

As children progress through the programme, their learning is scaffolded and supported by a range of experiences, beginning with the use of concrete apparatus, before moving onto pictorial representations and then standard written working methods. This helps to instill a deeper understanding of the concepts involved which helps to secure pupils' long-term retention of learning. 

Alongside the use of the White Rose scheme of learning to deliver the aims and content outlined in the National Curriculum programme for mathematics, pupils also enjoy accessing a range of tasks and activities from complementary publishers, both in print and on-screen. Each pupil is given the opportunity to develop their recall of multiplication facts through a Times Table Rock Stars account and pupils also enjoy exploring a range of online games and exercises, including the use of apps included in our Purple Mash subscription.

Where appropriate, pupils' learning also benefits from the application of their cross-curricular skills and knowledge. For example, pupils are able to compare and contrast both written and digital methods when producing graphs and charts to represent their data. Similarly, they are able to apply such knowledge explored in maths to support learning in other curricular areas; for example, representing findings as part of investigative work in science, eliciting key climate information from the study of data in geography and using place value skills to gain a greater understanding of chronology in history. 

Mrs Liz Roberts is our mathematics subject leader and works with staff to ensure that they are given the opportunities, support and training to inspire pupils' love and confidence in the subject.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement



Progression and Planning

maths progression and planning.pdf


Supporting Policy Documents

addition and subtraction calculation policy.pdf


multiplication and division calculation policy .pdf


mathematics policy 2023.pdf