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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Our language curriculum aims to foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of people and cultures from around the world. Our curriculum celebrates differences and similarities between people and places, thus developing children’s empathy skills and supporting them to become global citizens.

At Chelford CE Primary School, we go beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum by committing to ensure that all pupils have access to modern foreign languages education, not just those in Key Stage 2.  To underline this commitment, as identified in our wider curriculum intent document, The Chelford Curriculum, the School makes use of a dedicated languages teacher, Madame Amanda Murphy, who works with each class on a weekly basis.

Madame Murphy’s expertise plays a pivotal role in ensuring that our pupils develop their knowledge, skills and confidence, to enable them to understand and respond to others in French and to express their ideas and thoughts orally and in writing.  Pupils’ learning provides them with a foundation to enjoy and succeed in learning languages at Key Stage 3 and for life.

A key part of our languages provision is to also develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of French culture and traditions. As such, pupils enjoy opportunities to recognise how traditional festivals are marked in France and to experience some examples of traditional French cuisine.


Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

intent implementation and impact statement french.pdf


Knowledge and Skills Progression


french progression of knowledge.pdf