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Chair of Governors' Annual Statement

Chelford CE Primary School – Annual Governance Statement 2023 / 2024



Our School continues to develop and thrive, thanks to the outstanding work and commitment of the Headteacher and staff. The pupils continue to give of their best in academic achievement, music, drama and sport and to excel in many aspects of personal development. As always, meeting the needs of pupils; supporting their well being and ensuring their safety; supporting the Head and staff remain key priorities for governors and staff.

The highlight of the year, was without doubt the Ofsted inspection report in October 2023 which was just reward for the significant curriculum work that has been undertaken, particularly by the Headteacher in moving the School forward. It was also recognition for the way in which the whole curriculum programme has supported the outstanding personal development of pupils and how the strong values associated with the School vision have promoted such high standards of behaviour and discipline.

The Governing Board (FGB) has maintained its high standards, in terms of providing strong accountability and importantly, ensuring that the Headteacher and staff are given full support in their work. This was recognised in the Ofsted inspection report. The Board continues to provide important contributions in key strategic decision making, as well as working with the Head and staff to develop and deliver a clear vision for the School. In doing so, governors, with the Headteacher, have established priorities for the future and sought to secure development of the School, in line with that vision, one which will lead to higher standards in teaching and learning.



Governors have given much time to wide ranging discussions and decisions which have provided the resources and structures for the Headteacher and staff to carry out their excellent work. Although essentially volunteers, Chelford FGB places great importance on fulfilling its responsibilities and carrying out duties professionally, always mindful of the need to operate within the framework of compliance and legality. Records of meetings, school monitoring visits and training are completed with care, accuracy and detail.

Decision making takes place in a forum of well informed and appropriately researched discussion. Without committees, the Governing Board would not be able to deliver its core functions effectively. Committees allow governors to make use of their specific skills, abilities and experience. Much of our work is undertaken in committees, which enables the FGB to complete essential and important policy decisions and where appropriate, meet deadlines in the most effective and efficient way.


Teaching and Learning Committee

Teaching and Learning Committee has given governors the opportunity to learn and understand the intricacies of the curriculum and also to share in its development. The Committee has also provided the opportunity to question the content of the curriculum; to examine the different curriculum schemes; to monitor effectiveness of implementation and to approve relevant policies. Activities have involved staff input and demonstration of pupil activities. Governors have also discussed with the Headteacher, eSafety; the Early Years Programme which is a focus for further curriculum development and those aspects of the whole curriculum which support personal development. The Committee has also carried out a critical assessment of the Ofsted inspection and subsequent report and also examined the criteria associated with the statutory inspection of church schools (SIAMS). The School Council has met with the Committee as well as the FGB, to discuss its work,explain the roles and skills of pupil members and their achievements.


The Pay and Personnel Committee

The Pay and Personnel Committee governors have supported the Head in appointing appropriately experienced and qualified staff. Governors review staff CPD and their own training regularly and also approved personnel related policies.The performance management of staff is monitored termly and pay reviewed. The HTPMP group continues to work with the School Improvement Partner in setting detailed annual targets for the Headteacher in line with school development plans; to engage in review meetings throughout the year; to monitor progress and to assess performance. The latest review with the SIP has indicated that the School continues to make significant progress and the curriculum is virtually fully in place and judged to be outstanding. Head and staff well being is an important focus for the Committee and discussions each term look to providing appropriate support and strategies where pressures may present problems.


Finance Committee

Finance Committee governors meet with the LA Budget Officer each term to monitor the School financial performance and approve the budget for each year. Meetings involve close analysis and monitoring of income and expenditure against budget headings. Governors take prudent spending decisions in line with best value principles and service contracts are reviewed and agreed thanks to the diligence of the Bursar. Spending decisions are linked to SDP priorities, to ensure that pupils and staff have sufficient resources to deliver the curriculum.


Premises and Health and Safety Committee

Premises and Health and Safety Committee governors have monitored the condition of buildings and taken decisions to maintain a high quality of accommodation and provide an environment which promotes quality teaching and learning. Pupil safety is a priority for the Committee, so governors receive regular feedback on accidents, ensure relevant risk assessments are in place and monitor that required inspections are undertaken e.g tree survey which identified safety concerns.


Key FGB Decisions and Actions

Review and approved the School Financial and Value Standard and the Manual of

Internal Procedures. Ensured that submission deadlines have been met

Ratified a wide range of statutory and non-statutory policies previously recommended by


Approved a new PE store and staff work space which is now completed

Appointed a new Coopted Governor

Approved new lettings charges

Approved LED lighting installation

Approved the annual budget and the three-year plan

Approved Pupil Premium expenditure and monitored its impact

Approved the allocation of SEND resources to meet the needs of pupils

Reviewed and approved the SDP and SEF

Reviewed and approved the section 175 safeguarding audit

Approved teaching and non-teaching staff performance based salaries

Reviewed and approved the staffing structure

Reviewed and approved curriculum development

Monitored pupil progress data and attainment

Engaged with pupils through visits from the School Council

Monitored the performance of the Headteacher

Reviewed School accommodation with Cheshire East Officers


Governor Visits

Governor visits continue to play an important role in helping governors find out more about the School, including: how policies, the curriculum and the school development plan are working in practice; what is the quality of teaching and learning; staff workload. Governors have continued to undertake meetings with staff, observed lessons and undertaken conversations with pupils. Observations have included English and history lessons and regular visits to class 1. Link governors for Safeguarding and SEND have met with relevant staff each term to monitor and report to FGB on their areas. Feedback from governors provides good analysis and gives a valuable insight into the work of the School.


Governor Training

A number of governors have undertaken training this year across a range of topics including Early Years curriculum, digital monitoring, safeguarding, aspects of governance, attendance, phonics, PSHE and assessment. Several governors also regularly attend the Cheshire East Governor Forum which is an excellent source of information and an opportunity to interact with LA Officers.



This year has been exceptional in the development and progress of the School. The Ofsted report clearly recognised the outcomes from the significant hard work and commitment of the Head and staff and the good support provided by governors I wish to thanks governors for their respective roles, in ensuring that governance remains robust.

Governor responsibilities are extensive and often time consuming, so my thanks for your support.

The School remains on course to deliver high quality of teaching and learning to our pupils. The demand for admissions, reflected in rising Reception numbers entering the School, is a measure of the growing reputation of a school that is now providing an outstanding education. This is largely thanks to the work of the Headteacher and staff, with support from governors. The expansion of the School accommodation is now a major priority and a matter of some urgency.

This year we have welcomed Paul Downer as coopted governor. Paul brings new skills and experience to complement existing governors and already, he has shown a willingness to get involved in the work of governors, by taking on the role of Chair of Premises and Heath and Safety. Also we have welcomed Liz Roberts as staff governor, a role not unfamiliar to her and her experience I am sure, will be of considerable benefit to the FGB. Although not gone, but stepping down as Chair Premises and Health and Safety I wish to thank Sue Swain on my behalf and the FGB for her service to the School and as an excellent Committee Chair over many years. Sue has undertaken the role with considerable professionalism and has used her skills and experience to great effect in leading the Committee.



David Wilson Chair of Governors 4.6.24