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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Black History Week

Pupils enjoyed a range of different activities as part of our Black History Week celebrations, aimed at increasing pupils' awareness of the achievement of inspiring individuals from the black community - both in and beyond Great Britain - and celebrating cultures and traditions of diverse black communities from around the world. 

Pupils enjoyed creating some wonderful portraits of significant role models to accompany their research on the accomplishments of their chosen person. They were also interested to explore racial injustice that continues to impact on the black community and recognise the abhorrent consequences of racism. Our aim is that Chelford CE Primary School pupils learn to recognise the qualities that each of us possess, regardless of any protected characteristic - including race, gender, disability and sexual orientation. This will enable our children to build and live in a society free from prejudice and discrimination so that all members of our community can lead happy and fulfilled lives. 

The highlight of the week was undoubtedly the opportunity to learn about traditional African drums; pupils from each class enjoyed a fantastic workshop in readiness for a celebratory assembly which was presented to our families and parents. We extend our sincere thanks to David from Joliba West African Drum and Dance School for visiting us to share his passion and expertise, and for leading wonderful performances with our Class 2 and 3 pupils during our assembly.