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Chelford C of E Primary School

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1:1 iPad Provision

Chelford CE Primary School has a clear vision for how the use of emerging technologies can enhance teaching and learning. Central to this is the use of mobile technologies.

iPad is embraced as a transformational tool for learning at Chelford CE Primary School. All pupils benefit from the use of iPad as a means of increasing engagement and fostering positive attitudes towards the safe use of technology in a creative manner.

This is particularly evident in Years 4, 5 and 6, where pupils are allocated individual iPad devices which they keep with them – both in and beyond the school setting. Through the use of multimedia tools, designed to support the curriculum, pupils are now engaging with learning in a way unimaginable a few years ago. Apps such as Showbie, enable pupils to receive verbal feedback on their work in order to enable them to develop their ideas further, as well as providing an effective solution to managing digital workflow and portfolios of pupils’ work.

Digital Workflow Using Showbie


Parents' Information Session

Ahead of the launch of our 1:1 iPad provision, parents were invited to attend one of 3 different workshops in which Mr Brady presented the aims and rationale behind the use of 1:1 iPad and to demonstrate some of the features and workflow solutions to be used by staff as part of the provision. 

A PDF of the presentation is accessible below:

ipad launch.pdf