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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Safety Squad


Our School Safety Squad is a dedicated pupil council that is responsible for highlighting the importance of safety across the school. The Safety Squad takes responsibility for meeting with Mr. Brady to discuss ways in which our pupils' safety and wellbeing can be promoted.


What do Safety Squaddies do?

As part of their responsibilities, the Safety Squad:

  • lead assemblies on the subject of safeguarding
  • run competitions for pupils to engage with around a key safeguarding message or themed week - such as Anti-Bullying Week
  • monitor playground behaviour and conduct to ensure that pupils are using equipment safely
  • update our Safety Squad display to match ongoing projects / themes

We are proud of the impact of our Safety Squad and appreciate the efforts of our 'Squaddies' in helping to ensure that Chelford CE Primary remains a happy, safe and nurturing place for our pupils to learn and grow.


Introducing our 2023 / 2024 Safety Squad


Safety Squad (ID 1168)