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Chelford C of E Primary School

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World Book Day

World Book Day celebrations went down a treat with at Chelford CE Primary School yesterday. As is tradition, pupils and staff loved the opportunity to arrive to school dressed as a book character; several members of the Mr Men and Little Miss series of books were in attendance amongst staff and there was a wide range of characters on show amongst our pupils including appearances from Harry Potter, Gangsta Granny, Willy Wonka, astronauts, snakes, Sleeping Beauty and Mary Poppins to name but a few. Lois’ dog even joined in the fun too as seen below and Helen (chef) kindly produced a batch of magical Harry Potter biscuits for good measure!

This year, our PTA joined our WBD celebrations - organising the sale of ‘Brady bars’, inspired by Roald Dahl’s popular text Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. As in the book, some children were lucky recipients of a coveted Golden ticket! Prize winners are outlined below:

Reading book winners: Charlie, Henry, Oliver, Milania and Isabelle

Whole class prize: Wear slippers for a day in school: Isla-Belle - Class 1

Whole class prize: Extra 30 minutes playtime: Keffran (via Zachary) - Class 2

Whole class prize: 1 hour ‘golden time’: Theo - Class 3

We thank all families for their support in celebrating this event. 

As always, it is an absolute joy to see children so enthused with their reading at Chelford and the impact of recent developments through the implementation of the Little Wandle phonics programme and Accelerated Reader, supported by the PTA’s substantial acquisition of new reading books last year, continues to have a positive impact on pupils’ enjoyment of reading.