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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Our School Vision

The start of a new school year seems a good opportunity to re-visit our school vision and consider how our commitment to delivering on this intent shapes our work:


Chelford CE Primary School is a loving, nurturing family. 'Learning to Love Together' inspires our staff and pupils to practise the teachings of Jesus by sharing kindness, compassion and respect for each other and our environment. 'Loving to Learn Together' empowers all stakeholders to discover, embrace and share their talents so that they become confident in who they are, what they can achieve and who they are destined to be.

When seeds fell on enriching soil, the crops grew to produce a big harvest.

adapted from the Gospels according to Matthew, Mark and Luke



To increase awareness of our work in this area, a new display board in the corridor has been created. We are proud of the many ways in which our children learn to develop their personal and academic skills as part of our ‘family’ and look forward to further enhancing opportunities over the coming year.