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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Instrument of Governance

The Governing Board (GB) is made up of representatives from St John the Evangelist Church, Chelford, the local community, the Local Authority (LA), parents, staff and the Headteacher. The Governing Body as a whole meets at least once a term.

Governors must act within the framework set out by national legislation and the policies of the Local Authority. Governors play an important part in raising school standards through their key roles of:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

Due to its wide and varied responsibilities the GB conducts its business through four committees that meet every term:

  • Teaching and Learning (T&L)
  • Premises and Health & Safety (PR &HS)
  • Finance (F)
  • Pay and Personnel (P&PE)

Terms of reference, for each committee, are reviewed and approved by the GB annually in the Autumn term.

In addition to the main committees, the Governing Board may establish working groups from time to time, to concentrate on specific areas which will have a significant impact on the School. Currently, there are working groups focusing on School inspection, academies, and longer term development projects. These groups are coordinated by a Steering Committee drawn from the chairs of each working group and led by Sue Swain, a parent governor.

The Governing Board was reconstituted as of the 20th November 2014. The new Instrument of Government is available on request. The constitution allows for: four parent governors elected by parents, one Local Authority governor appointed by Cheshire East, the Head Teacher (unless the Head Teacher resigns the office of governor in accordance with Regulation 19.1), one staff governor nominated by staff, two foundation governors appointed by the Cheshire Diocese and four co-opted governors appointed by the GB. The total number of governors is 13 and the term of office (TO) of each governor is four years. 

Currently, there are vacancies for a Parent and a Co-opted Governor. 

Mrs Diana Riley, has been appointed by the Diocese as a Foundation Governor. David Wilson who is appointed by the Local Authority is also Chair of Governors. Governors terms of office run for four years from the date of appointment.

The Governing Board may appoint associate governors who can be members of committees and vote in those committee and also be chair if selected by the committee. Associate governors can also attend and contribute to FGB meetings but are not allowed to vote. Currently there are no associate governors on the Board.

David Wilson, the Chair and the Headteacher are members of each committee. The other members of the committees are shown below.

Finance Subcommittee


Finance Subcommittee (ID 1176)


Premises, Heath and Safety Subcommittee


Premises, Health & Safety Subcommittee (ID 1177)


Teaching and Learning Subcommittee


Teaching and Learning Subcommittee (ID 1179)


Pay and Personnel Subcommittee


Pay and Personnel Subcommittee (ID 1178)


Governors with Special Responsibilities

Governors with Special Responsibilities (ID 1180)

Subcommittee Terms of References


tors 2023 2024 complete.pdf


 Constitution of Full Governing Body


governors constitution nov 2023.pdf

 Governors' Declarations

declarations chelford cofe primary school.pdf